Wednesday, July 31, 2002

I woke up this morning and had a webcam battle with my cousin David becaue we got his webcam working yesterday :) HERE IT IS

right now im taking a break from doing my math homework, i have my class at 5 today so i have to finish all, i procrastinate. I feel dead. Cus im bored. If i had finished before today, i coulda went bowling with frineds. but too bad so sad

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

hello foopoo,
I wake up today and i look like wolverine! both sides up!
lets see what happen during my superb summer!
1. got driving permit to permit me to drive
2. take SAT class to improve my SAT skill
3. take ADV. algebra class because CS killed my brain thinking skills and i have to retrain my math skills because i got a C in math.
4. Not update my blog
5. Had 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 cousins over click click2
6. Stop playing CS because it killed my brain and made me a agitated stupid kid because i cant kill anyone nemore.
7. Went to outings for BBQ good food and tanned skin but then turned into sun burn and i peeled like gold member.
8. went to great american and road water rapid ride 7 times in a row and scared the people that were in line because we were 100 percent drenched and they say," i dont wanna get THAT wet".
9. got weights and work out to regain muscles that withered during CS days.

Wednesday, July 24, 2002

Heeloo, i havent been blogging for a while cus my cousins came to visit for about a month and i didnt feel like blogging.. heh any ways... i decided to share a nifty wake up pic with you -- CRAZY!
well ill be going cus i have lotsa hw to do.. i start it too late :P