the ship is called the Boheme, callsign Sivy. It's holding about 700 cars right now? and at this moment, its about to cross the Panama Canal! check it out:

Kinda small and blurry and squintworthy, so heres a closer shot:

Oh yea another cool thing is this video I found on Youtube about the Panama Canal. The cool part is how the ships pass through the so called "locks" at each end of the canal.
I read somewhere that the pressure generated to raise the ships is purely from rainwater. It costs nothing to move the water! Kinda like Hetch Hetchy
June 10: MINI arives at Port Hueneme, CA
Can't wait!
I'm so excited! Aren't you glad you bought the mini instead or a used car? Look at the excitement in your life. I mean, if you got a regular used car I'm pretty sure you won't be as happy as you are now. It's a real joy :)
shows how materialistic we are in this society
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